Ban Don Yang Camp’s location is near the areas where specific grass for broom making grown. Therefore the camp is the center for COERR’s broom making activity. In February 2016, COERR organized the broom making training to refugees in Ban Don Yang camp: on February 19th, a training of trainer for 10 refugees to learn about skills and techniques in becoming trainers; on February 22nd – 26th, a training for 14 refugees who were interested in forming a group of broom making to learn how to make broom and earn for their living as a future career.
After the training, the refugees have been encouraged and supported to form their groups and start broom production.
There were also metteings in February with refugees about forming 5 occupational groups in 2016: Noodle shop, Preserved food (sweet banana crisps) and Broom making in Ban Don Yang camp; and Lighly fermented noodle shop and Preserved banana (sweet banana crisps) in Tham Hin camp. Refugees’ proposals showing their promptness and intention in doing income generation activities would be considered and supported.

Meeting in February to discuss about the Livelihood Program in 2016

Broom Making Training in February in Ban Don Yang Camp |